Join the Curofy community

Become a member of a specialized social network custom built for doctors.

Join the Curofy community

Curofy brings together over 450,000 doctors across 3500+ cities, covering 1000+ specialties – all with the shared goal of saving lives and improving healthcare in India.

This makes Curofy a unique and powerful community where medical practitioners can connect with other doctors in their specialization, city or area of interest.

Explore unique medical cases

Diagnose and cure faster and better through collaborative exploration of rare cases.

Practicing doctors share hundreds of rare and emergent medical cases every day to discuss with senior doctors and experts in their specialty.

The Curofy community has shared and jointly solved over 500,000 medical cases.

Explore unique medical cases

Learn continuously

Stay in touch with the latest in your specialty.

Learn continuously

Members have privileged access to a large repository of medical journals and publications, with active sharing of medical news, regulatory updates, and quizzes on specific topics, spanning both modern medicine as well as AYUSH.

Doctors leverage Curofy resources for continuing medical education and introducing medical care innovations into their practice.

Build your professional profile

Take advantage of the many benefits that come with your Curofy membership.

Build your reputation as a powerful contributor to the medical community through active participation on Curofy.

Curofy members get privileged access to medical conferences and seminars for their continued medical education. Our select group of partners provides doctors with exclusive professional development opportunities and highly curated products and services.

Build your professional profile


Join Curofy and become a member of a specialized social network custom built for doctors.